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Mie & Friends pick: Best Bakeries in Copenhagen 2024

Wondering where to find the best bakery in Copenhagen? We’ve got you! You might have heard of the “Danish” or Danish pastry before . But actually, the real Danish versions of pastry might differ quite a bit from what is commonly understood by a “Danish” in other countries.  For instance, for some reason Danes have a weird obsession with putting poppy seeds on pastry. Try for example the “frøsnapper” or “tebirkes”.   In the Danish language pastries are named “Wienerbrød” translated to “Viennese bread”. And as the name might suggest, we can’t take full credit for its invention as we stole a bit of inspiration from the Austrians.  Different Danish holidays are also often celebrated by hitting the bakeries for specific seasonally available desserts, such as for Christmas “Pebernødder”, “Julebolle”, “honninghjerte” and “vaniljekranse”. For New Years we have “Kransekage”. For the…

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May 14, 2024